Code of Conduct


OCA believes that its events and programming should be open to all members and other attendees without prejudice. The organization is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and harassment-free experience for all guests, employees, and volunteers at all OCA events. This includes a welcoming environment for all, regardless of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion.

By agreeing to the following code of conduct, attendees must agree to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner as well as the consequences of unacceptable behavior. OCA requires all participants (speakers, attendees, staff, and all other guests) of all OCA sponsored or hosted programs to abide by this code of conduct at all times, including event-related social functions.


OCA holds its members and attendees of its programs to the highest standard of personal and professional conduct. This includes the treatment of all participants with respect. Every participant has the right to enjoy their experience at OCA programs without fear of harassment or discrimination. The following are, but are not limited to, guidelines for conduct.

  • Be kind, compassionate, respectful, and collaborative at all times.

  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.

  • Do not disrupt or interfere with the event in any manner.

  • Members and guests who consume alcohol shall do so in a responsible manner.

  • Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated, or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner by OCA leadership.

  • Members and guests only sit in their ticketed seats and show their tickets to venue representatives/OCA staff when requested.

  • Members and guests follow the instructions from OCA staff and representatives regarding venue operations and emergency procedures.

If an act of harassment or discrimination occurs, you are required to immediately inform OCA’s Executive Director, the National President, and/or the Executive Vice President in person, by phone, or email if you experience a distressful situation.


Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: intimidating, threatening, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, demeaning or disorderly conduct, or possession, use, or distribution of any illegal substances.

Harassing conduct can take many forms and may include, but is not limited to, the following: slurs, offensive jokes, statements, gestures, photographs, drawings, cartoons or pictures, assault, impeding or blocking another's movement or otherwise physically interfering with activities, conducting unwanted audio or visual recordings, violating someone's “personal space,” engaging in leering, stalking, staring, intimidating or threatening behavior, or making offensive communications such as in the form of emails, telephone calls, voicemails, text messages or other social media. Members and guests are asked to refrain from any behavior that could be perceived as threatening such as fighting, throwing items and/or using foul or abusive language or gestures.

Sexually harassing conduct may include all of these prohibited actions, as well as other unwelcome conduct, such as inappropriate or unwelcome verbal or written comments of a sexual nature, inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, display of sexual images in public places, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following, taking, filming, or showing photography or video of a sexual nature or that is intended to offend, intimidate, threaten, or coerce, requests for sexual favors, conversation containing sexual comments, physical contact, lewd or offensive behavior or language, and other unwelcome sexual advances. Sexually harassing conduct can be done by a person of either the same or opposite sex.

OCA reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine what constitutes unacceptable behavior.


Behavior that is deemed inappropriate, as outlined above, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop engaging in unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior and it is found, upon investigation, that an individual has violated the code of conduct, OCA leadership (including staff, executive council members, and personnel committee members) will take action that it deems appropriate based on the situation, up to and including immediate expulsion without warning from the event and without refund of any registration or other fees, removal from organizational leadership roles, banning from future OCA events, and/or revocation of organizational membership.

OCA will provide victims of harassment and discrimination appropriate security as necessary - including, but not limited to, venue security or local law enforcement, to provide escorts, or to otherwise assist those experiencing unacceptable behavior to feel safe for the duration of the event. Anonymity will be kept of the victim.


When an act of harassment, assault, or discrimination occurs, you are required to report it immediately to the OCA National President, OCA Executive Vice President, and Executive Director in person, via email, or by phone. Reporting includes a full description of the incident including the improper conduct that occurred, the individuals involved, and any other relevant information.

The following is the contact information of the National President and Executive Director (if not able to report in person):

  • Sharon Wong, National President,

  • Thu Nguyen, Executive Director,, 713-518-3245

The National President and Executive Director are expected to document the incidents in detail and take immediate action upon receiving the report.

All incidents will be immediately referred to the OCA Personnel Committee (including the OCA general counsel) for full review and consideration of appropriate disciplinary action. This review will include all relevant parties to the incident (with consent). The Committee will then provide a recommendation of action to the OCA Executive Council who will then vote to approve the final actions.

The final approved recommendation will be communicated in a timely manner to the individual and relevant OCA chapter president.