Past Convention Honorees
Sefa Aina, Community Advocate
Grace Lee Boggs, Writer and Community Activist
Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye, Chief Justice State of California
Elaine Chao, Former US Secretary of Labor
Steven Chen, Founder of YouTube
Leroy Chiao, Former Astronaut
Denny Chin, US District Court Judge
Upendra Chivakula, Community Leader
Philip P. Choy, Historian
Judy Chu, US Representative (CA-32)
Arthur Dong, Documentary Filmmaker
Tammy Duckworth, Former Assistant Secretary for US Department of Veterans Affairs
Dr. Bobby Fong, President of Butler University
Hiram Fong, Former US Senator (HI)
Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States
Mazie Hirono, United State SEnator
J.D. Hokoyama, Former President and CEO for LEAP
Mike Honda, US Representative (CA-15)
David Henry Hwang, Playwright
James Hong, Actor
Daniel Dae Kim, Actor
Maxine Hong Kingston, Author
Yuri Kochiyama, Civil Rights Activist
Nancy Kwan, Actress
Him Mark Lai, Historian
Major Kurt Chew-Een Lee, USMC, Retired
Bill Lann Lee, Former Assistant US Attorney General for Civil Rights
Erika Lee, Author
Ginger Lew, Community Advocate
Gary Locke, United States Secretary of Commerce
Chris Lu, Former US Deputy Secretary
Grace Meng, US Congresswoman
Norman Mineta, Former US Secretary of Transportation
Patsy Mink, Former US Representative (HI)
Wataru Misaka, Former New York Knicks
Floyd Mori, National Executive Emeritus of the JACL
Mee Moua, Community Advocate
Karen Naraski, National Civil Rights and Human Rights Leader
Dr. Thang Dinh Nguyen, Executive Director of BPSOS
Sululagi Palega, Community Advocate
IM Pei, Architect
Janet Reno, Former US Attorney General
Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee, Tae Kwan Do Master
Donna Shalala, Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services
Eric Shinseki, General, US Armed Forces, Retired
Anna Sui, Fashion Designer
Betty Lee Sung, Asian American Studies Pioneer and Author
Ret. Major General Antonio Taguba, US Army
George Takei, Actor
Jose Antonio Vargas, Activist
K.L. Wang, OCA Founder
Ming-Na Wen, Actress
BD Wong, Actor
Tyrus Wong, Illustrator
Frank Wu, Professor and Author
Martin Yan, Chef
CN Yang, Nobel Laureate (Physics)
Gene Luen Yang, Illustrator
Phil Yu, Creator and Editor of Angry Asian Man
Helen Zia, Journalist, Author and Scholar