OCA National Convention Student Stipend Application

In an effort to provide assistance to those wishing to attend the Convention, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates is opening the application for student travel stipends.  To be eligible for the stipend, one must meet the following criteria:

  • Be currently enrolled as a high school or undergraduate student;
  • Must attend the entirety of either the Youth or College tracks of OCA's National Convention;
  • Demonstrate a desire to be involved in their local chapter or OCA's initiatives;

Stipends will be awarded up to $200 and will be distributed in the form of a reimbursement check with proper documentation (receipts) of travel following the convention. Travel includes trains, buses, public transportation, planes, mileage, and other forms of transportation. Students will be responsible for their own accommodations and are strongly encouraged to purchase a full registration package.

Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. Stipends are limited and preference is given to individuals who would not normally have the opportunity to attend. Applications are reviewed in a holistic manner and must be received by 11:59 PM on Sunday, July 1st (New extended deadline).